This month January 2025February 2025

Legislative preview

Join us over zoom at 6:30 on December 3 to get an overview of VICPP’s policy priorities for the 2025 General Assembly session. Register HERE!

Northern Virginia Chapter meeting

Join us over zoom on December 9 to connect with other Northern Virginia leaders and discuss upcoming advocacy opportunities. Log in to zoom at 7:20 so we can greet each other before the presentations begin in earnest. The meeting...

VICPP immigration conversation

Join VICPP members and other community leaders as we discuss ways that our organization can support the immigrant community in a new presidential administration. We will get together over zoom from 6:30 to 7:30 on December 10. Register HERE!

December Liaison Lunch & Learn

Join faith leaders from all over Virginia as we discuss how to find light in darkness. This is our regular monthly meeting, at noon on Monday, December 16. We are looking forward to sharing ideas and strategies, from spiritual...