Check out our 2025 Policy Priorities.
You can also follow our Bill Tracker to see where our priority bills are in the legislative process.
Health Equity
- Bias Reduction Training Licensing Criterion. Require that training to reduce unconscious (implicit) bias become an eligibility criterion for all health care professionals licensed by the Virginia Board of Medicine.
- Click here to read the Unconscious Bias Fact Sheet
- Expanding Medicaid to Pregnant Women
- Services to Incarcerated Pregnant Women. This would be budget language for a 1115 waiver to allow Medicaid to pay for services for services for pregnant women in jails (not prisons – yet). Partnering with Virginia Poverty Law Center (VPLC).
- Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Women. Allow pregnant women to be immediately enrolled for Medicaid without waiting for up to 45 days for Medicaid paperwork to be processed. Mississippi just passed this. Partnering with VPLC.
- Click here to read the Maternal Health Fact Sheet
- Cover All Kids. Provide health insurance for undocumented children who would be eligible for Medicaid other than their immigration status.
- Click here to read the Cover All Kids Fact Sheet
- Access to Care: VICPP helped expose the fact that Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) with the state Medicaid contracts were not adequately serving pregnant women. The press conference we organized explained that pregnant women were unable to get basic appointments, especially in the second and third trimesters. VICPP supports a budget amendment to ensure that MCOs increase the use of community-based providers shown to improve maternal health.
- Click here to read the Budget Amendments Fact Sheet
Affordable Housing
- Faith and Housing for the Commonwealth. The affordable housing crisis in Virginia means we need to streamline projects to build affordable housing. This bill would allow faith communities to build affordable housing on their property without having to go through rezoning, fighting “not in my backyard” attitudes with “yes in God’s backyard” (YIGBY).
- Click here to read the Faith and Housing Fact Sheet
- Funding for affordable housing. Virginia needs to address our housing unit shortage, strengthen tenants’ rights, and combat rising eviction rates.
- Click here to read the Budget Amendments Fact Sheet
- Tenant Protections. Support people who rent by providing clarity in rental applications, stronger enforcement mechanisms for localities, and protections against frivolous evictions.
- Click here to read the Tenant Protections Fact Sheet
Criminal Justice Reform
- Expanding Higher Education in Prison. VICPP will help lead on a bill to expand higher education in prison. One of the things Virginia needs to work on is ensuring that people who are incarcerated have access to educational technology. While the strategic planning process will continue beyond the legislative session, this is a priority issue to get in front of legislators.
- Click here to read the Correctional Education Reform Fact Sheet
- Click here to read the Higher Education in Prison Fact Sheet
- Youth Shackling. Shackling young people is still a practice being used in courtrooms in the Commonwealth of Virginia. “According to the Gault Center, a youth rights group, 39 states plus Puerto Rico and Washington D.C., now limit or prohibit the indiscriminate shackling of children. Virginia’s one of only 11 states in the country to continue the practice.”
- Click here to read the Youth Shackling Fact Sheet
- Restoration of Rights. This bill would amend the Virginia Constitution to restore voting rights to persons convicted of a felony after they have completed their sentence. Currently, the Governor has the sole authority to restore voting rights. In Virginia, a constitutional amendment needs to be passed by a simple majority vote in both chambers over two consecutive legislative sessions to be certified for the ballot.
- Click here to read the Restoration of Rights Fact Sheet
- Counsel at First Appearance. In Virginia, people detained pretrial can sit in jail for days or even weeks before they can challenge their detention, often resulting in a loss of employment, housing, access to medical care, and more, with effects rippling through families and communities. This Counsel at First Appearance legislation, or CAFA, would ensure counsel is provided to everyone in custody at their first appearance and would allow the defendant to have their arguments for bond to be heard on that day, if they so desire.
Economic Justice/Supporting Working Families
- Child care. VICPP will support the initiatives of the Virginia Promise Partnership to eliminate (or reduce) childcare waitlists for subsidized childcare.
- Paid Sick Days. Ensure that all workers in Virginia have access to paid sick days.
- Click here to read the Paid Sick Day Fact Sheet
- Click here to Learn More
Other Issues
- Voter Protections. VICPP is leading a bill that would prevent citizens from being removed from Virginia’s voter rolls. This is important in 2025 because there are upcoming elections for Governor and the House of Delegates this coming year.
- Click here to read the Voter Protection Fact Sheet
- Gun Safety
- Tax Reform
- Defending past gains, as necessary