Check out our updated 2024 Policy Priorities (final outcomes) HERE!

You can also follow our Bill Tracker to see where our priority bills are in the legislative process!

Raising minimum wage will have a huge impact on families with lower income in Virginia. If you are a clergy or faith leader, please sign our letter to the governor HERE to add your voice supporting this increase. You can also check whether your faith community’s leaders have signed on HERE.

Economic Justice/Supporting Working Families

  • Reenact the Minimum Wage. Make sure Virginia’s minimum wage continues rising on track to $15 per hour.
  • Paid Sick Days. Ensure that all workers in Virginia have access to paid sick days.
  • Child care. Fund access to child care for families with lower incomes.
  • Farmworker minimum wage. Farmworkers in Virginia are currently exempt from minimum wage laws.
  • Child Labor: Increasing already existing penalties to disincentivize employers from committing child labor violations.

Criminal Justice Reform

Health Equity

  • Unconscious (Implicit) Bias Training Licensing Criterion. Require unconscious (implicit) bias training become an eligibility criterion for all health care professionals licensed by the Virginia Board of Medicine.
  • Cover All Kids. Provide health insurance for undocumented children who would be eligible for Medicaid other than their immigration status.
  • Community Health Workers. Support funding for the workers who serve as bridges between communities with historically low access to health care and the information and providers they need.

Affordable Housing

  • Faith and Housing for the Commonwealth. The affordable housing crisis in Virginia means we need to streamline projects to build affordable housing. This bill would allow faith communities to build affordable housing on their property without having to go through rezoning, fighting “not in my backyard” attitudes with “yes in God’s backyard” (YIGBY).
  • Funding for affordable housing. Virginia needs to address our housing unit shortage, strengthen tenants’ rights, and combat rising eviction rates.
  • Tenant Protections. Support people who rent by providing clarity in rental applications, stronger enforcement mechanisms for localities, and protections against frivolous evictions.

Gun Safety

  • Limit access to assault rifles.
  • Safe storage of guns, especially around children.

Defending Past Gains – VICPP is prepared to defend, if necessary, previous issues, such as:

  • Death penalty abolition
  • Wage theft reforms