VICPP recognizes that most congregations tend to be more active in acts of mercy than acts of justice. Handing out food at a soup kitchen seems more straight forward than advocating for school breakfast programs. VICPP encourages congregations to do both acts of mercy and acts of justice.

Every congregation or faith community is unique. Each has its own set of leaders, committees and ministries. How best to engage the advocacy or justice ministry in congregations varies greatly, which is why VICPP seeks a Congregational Liaison for each congregation. Email Sheila for more information on this program

100% Voting Congregations

2024 is an important year for elections! We are asking congregations to commit to have 100% participation in the electoral process. Check out the pledge here: 100 Percent Voting Congregations

Share this with your congregational leadership! You can either send in a filled out copy of the form above, or submit your pledge by clicking the button below.

Become a Congregational Partner!

Congregational Partners contribute financially to the work of VICPP, and designate a congregational liaison. Please contact our Faith Organizer, Sheila Herlihy Hennessee, at or call 804-643-2474 ext. 105 if you are interested in serving. You can also check if your congregation is already a partner HERE.

Living wage congregations

VICPP has a living wage certification program for all employers in Virginia. We believe that congregations should lead by example in treating employees well. For this reason, we are inviting congregations to become Living Wage Certified, with a special campaign in summer, 2023! CLICK HERE to find out more, and apply to be recognized as a faith community.

The Role of Liaisons

Core Functions: Congregational liaisons are asked to do the following core functions:

  • Ask the congregational leadership to include VICPP resources in bulletins, newsletters or other materials. (VICPP creates resources specifically for congregations).
  • Participate in at least one meeting a year with legislators and invite others to participate
  • Invite congregation members to do some advocacy before or during the General Assembly.
    - Writing letters
    - Sending emails
    - Signing a petition
  • Participate in Day for All People (usually the third Wednesday of January)

Additional Functions: If able, the liaisons are invited to:

  • Encourage civic engagement – registering to vote, help getting out the vote, completing the census (all non-partisan activities).
  • Connect interested members of your congregation with key VICPP program areas:
    - Criminal Justice Reform - Do you have a prison or jail ministry?
    - Health equity - Do you have a health ministry or want to form one?
    - Living wages - Do you want to encourage living wages in your community?
    - Welcoming all - Do you want to welcome immigrants in your community or build a partnership with other faith traditions?
    - Affordable Housing - Are you interested in using congregational land for housing?
  • Recruit a member to join VICPP’s social media team during the General Assembly (agreeing to post Monday through Friday using a post developed by VICPP).
  • Encourage the congregation to support VICPP financially through a special offering, inclusion in the budget or a special grant. (This would promote the congregation to "partnership" status)
  • Invite members to serve as “Witness at the Capitol” volunteers – serving in Richmond one day a week or for one entire week during the General Assembly.

VICPP supports Congregational Liaisons:

  • Monthly zoom calls to focus on organizational campaigns or learning from each other.
  • Provide materials as needed to distribute and display (posters, brochures).
  • Send occasional special resources for congregations.
  • Find speakers for programs and events at the congregations or online.
  • Connect the congregation with chapters and/or other interested congregations in the area.