On Thursday, Dec. 15, the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy will host its Annual Meeting at the Virginia Holocaust Museum in Richmond. The event will start at 5:30 p.m. with the business portion of the evening.

This year the Center is making this event a fundraiser, so we are adding sponsorship opportunities and a Silent Auction to the celebration.

The Center will honor the Rev. Charles Swadley, Dr. Bill Hazel, The Virginia Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Islamic Center of Virginia for their ongoing advocacy work. Dr. Hazel will have keynote remarks.

In early 2017, the Virginia Interfaith Center will again face challenges in a legislative session that will be crucial to the well-being of the Commonwealth’s families. We need your support to build a strong voice on behalf of inclusion, compassion, and justice. Please join us for this evening of fun and celebration as we wrap up this year and prepare for the coming advocacy work.

You can register using this link:
