March 24, 2020 — Message to Interfaith Communities in partnership with Standing Together Steering Committee of the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities (VCIC) — Co-authors, VCIC Standing Together Steering Committee and Rabbi Michael Knopf of Temple Beth-El in...
African American Clergy Prayer Vigil Calling on Legislators to Support an Equitable Minimum Wage and Honor Historically Underpaid Workers during Black History Month — PRAYER VIGIL TIMELINE: Wed., Feb. 98, 10:45 a.m. Bank St....
By Monica Lewis, an activist with Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy and Virginia Interfaith Power & Light — It is not always obvious how laws and policies affect our lives. Unless we are...
By, Roberta Oster, Communications Director for the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy — Armed with quotes from scripture and posters that read, “All Faiths Believe in Justice,” faith leaders and activists have been...
By Roberta Oster, Communications Director, Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy — “The path of nonviolence drew the clergy together. Across our many religious traditions, we are joined today on the path of peace.”...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, January 6, 2020 Contact: Roberta Oster Communications Director, 804-615-4192 Faith Leaders and Activists Held Prayer Vigil outside Title Max to Stop Predatory Lending Practices (VIDEO EMBEDDED IN STORY) Jan....
Advocate social justice from your phone or laptop – Wed., Jan. 8 – March 5, 2020 In just a few minutes a day, you can make a huge difference by sharing updates about critical legislation...
-By Rebecca Payton,* Charlottesville Living Wage Coalition advocate – As you sit at your table and say your grace, Do you thank God for the human race? As you sip the coffee in your...
THE ROAD TO JERICHO – WHY CHRISTIANS ADVOCATE — By Phillip Church, Elder Lewinsville Presbyterian Church, McLean VA Luke 10:30 – There once was a man going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when robbers...
The Virginia Pilot, Nov. 25, 2019 – op-ed by Kendyl Crawford, director of Virginia Interfaith Power & Light (a program of VICPP) — At the beginning of this month, the federal government added to...