You can help make your community a more just place to work! Invite local businesses to join the campaign and get living wage certified. Register NOW to #PromotePositiveImpact in the Commonwealth as a volunteer during our Summer Canvass Days!

In almost every locality in Virginia, the minimum wage does not meet the living wage threshold, and in many localities, it is woefully inadequate.

Living wages are defined as the actual wage needed for people in a locality, city, or county to live on. Living wages consider necessary living costs such as housing, food, child care, medical, and transportation expenses as a part of the wage calculation.


We will have teams going out in Charlottesville, Harrisonburg, Greater Richmond and Northern Virginia, and you are welcome to bring a group together in your community as well! Generally, the canvassers meet at 10am and it takes 2-3 hours. All necesary materials will be provided. Check out our Registration Page for more details